5 Tips To Remove Blackheads

- Mantasha

Mix lemon with yogurt and massage it onto your skin for 5-10 minutes. It can help remove blackheads.

Lemon & Yogurt

Photo Credit: Freepik

Steam your face before blackhead removal to open pores and ease extraction. Boil water, use a towel, and steam.

Steam Your Face

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Regular exfoliation prevents blackheads. Use a gentle scrub or brush to clear pores and remove dead skin.

Exfoliate Regularly

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Mix 1 teaspoon of sugar with honey, massage it on your T-zone area, and let it sit for five minutes. Rinse off.

Sugar Scrub

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

You can easily use these strips to remove your blackheads; they are safe and cost-effective.

Blackhead Strips

Photo Credit: Shutterstock