5 Unique Ways To Enjoy Curry Leaves For Health

monalisa deka

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Control Blood Sugar Levels

Consume 8-10 fresh curry leaves every morning on an empty stomach to keep diabetes at bay.

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Lower Cholesterol

Blend a cup of curry leaves, coriander leaves, 3 garlic cloves, 1 green chili, half a squeezed lemon, and salt. Have it with meals.

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Aid Digestion

Add curry leaves to your buttermilk and drink it daily after meals to improve digestion and reduce acidity.

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Photo Credit: Freepik

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Control Hair Fall

Boil 1 cup of coconut oil with curry leaves until they darken. Cool, store in a bottle, and use on your scalp twice weekly.

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Photo Credit: Freepik

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Reduce Blemishes

Make a paste of curry leaves, turmeric, lemon juice, and water. Apply on the face and neck, and rinse after 30 minutes. Use twice weekly for results.

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Photo Credit: Freepik