5 Unusual Signs Of Iron Deficiency

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

Iron deficiency is a common nutritional problem, but its symptoms can sometimes be unexpected and easily overlooked. Identifying these unusual signs can help in early diagnosis and treatment.

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Here are five weird signs of iron deficiency that you should be aware of.

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Pica, the craving for non-nutritive substances like ice, dirt, or paper, can be a sign of iron deficiency.

Craving Non-Food Substances

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An uncomfortable urge to move your legs, especially at night, may indicate low iron levels.

Restless Legs Syndrome

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A smooth, swollen, or sore tongue could be a sign of iron deficiency anemia.

Swelling & Soreness Of The Tongue

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Weak, brittle, or spoon-shaped nails (koilonychia) can be a symptom of iron deficiency.

Brittle or Spoon-Shaped Nails

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Iron is crucial for a healthy immune system. Frequent infections might suggest an iron deficiency.

Frequent Infections

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