5 Warning Signs Of Diabetes

- Mantasha

Increased urination, especially at night, can be a sign of diabetes. The body tries to eliminate excess sugar through urine.

Frequent Urination

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Often linked to increased urination, excessive thirst (polydipsia) can occur when the body tries to replenish fluids lost through frequent urination.

Excessive Thirst

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Despite eating more, there might be sudden weight loss. This occurs due to body's inability to utilize glucose properly, so it starts burning fat & muscle for energy.

 Weight Loss

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Feeling unusually tired, irritable, even after adequate rest, can be a symptom of diabetes due to the body's inability to use glucose efficiently for energy.


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Diabetes can lead to blurry vision as it affects the blood vessels & nerves in the eyes. Regular eye check-ups are crucial for early detection.

Blurred Vision

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