5 Ways To Survive Humid Weather


Humid weather can be draining, leaving you feeling sluggish and uncomfortable. But fear not! Here are 5 ways to stay cool and survive the sticky season:

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Make water your best friend. Carry a reusable water bottle and sip on it throughout the day. Opt for cool water over sugary drinks, which can dehydrate you further.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

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Loose, breathable clothing made from natural fibers like cotton or linen allows for better air circulation and keeps you cooler. 

Dress Light

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A cool shower is a quick and refreshing way to lower your body temperature. You can even take a cool footbath for an extra cooling effect.

Embrace The Cool Shower

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Ceiling fans create a cooling wind chill effect. For a more targeted approach, use portable fans to direct cool air towards yourself.

Strategic Use Of Fans

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Heavy, greasy meals can make you feel sluggish in hot weather. Opt for lighter, cooler options like salads, fruits, and yogurt.

Lighten Up Your Meals

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