5 Yoga Poses To Do While Doing Housework

Written by: Mantasha

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Housework doesn’t have to be a purely mundane task; it can be an opportunity to incorporate some yoga into your routine. By blending yoga poses with your chores, you can improve flexibility, strength, and balance while getting things done. 

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Here are five yoga poses to seamlessly integrate into your housework routine:

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Standing Forward Bend

While reaching for items on lower shelves, bend forward from the hips with your feet hip-width apart. This stretches your hamstrings and relieves back tension.

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Chair Pose

As you wash dishes or cook, engage your thighs and hold a chair pose by bending your knees slightly and sinking your hips back. This strengthens your legs and core.

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Tree Pose

While waiting for water to boil or the laundry to finish, balance on one leg and place the other foot on your inner thigh or calf. This improves balance and focus.

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Warrior II

While vacuuming or sweeping, step one foot forward and bend your knee while extending the other leg back. This pose strengthens your legs and opens your hips.

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Cat-Cow Stretch

During breaks in your cleaning routine, go on all fours and alternate between arching your back (cat) and dipping your belly (cow). This stretches and strengthens your spine.

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Photo Credit: Freepik