6 Benefits Of Cooking With Water Instead Of Oil

             Written by: Mantasha

Switching from oil to water for cooking can offer several health and practical advantages. Here are six benefits of using water as your cooking medium:

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Cooking with water eliminates the extra calories that come from oil, making your meals lighter and potentially aiding in weight management.

Lower Calorie Content

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Water-based cooking methods, such as steaming or boiling, reduce the amount of fat in your diet, which can support heart health and lower cholesterol levels.

Reduced Fat Intake

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Water helps to retain more vitamins and minerals in your food compared to oil, as it doesn’t break down nutrients as much during the cooking process.

Enhanced Nutrient Retention

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Water has a lower cooking temperature compared to oil, reducing the risk of overheating and producing harmful compounds that can occur with high-temperature cooking oils.

Less Risk Of Overheating

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Cooking with water is generally less messy than using oil, which can splatter and leave residue. This makes cleaning up after meals quicker and easier.

Easier Cleanup

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