6 Best Circuit Training Workouts To Reduce Belly Fat

Written by: mantasha

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Circuit training is a highly effective method for burning calories and targeting stubborn belly fat. Here are six of the best circuit training workouts to help you achieve a flatter stomach:

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Burpees & Mountain Climbers

Combining burpees with mountain climbers boosts your heart rate and engages your core, helping to burn calories and target belly fat.

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Jump Squats & Plank Jacks

Jump squats build lower body strength while plank jacks work your core and cardio, creating an effective combination for fat loss.

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Photo Credit: Freepik

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High Knees & Russian Twists

High knees elevate your heart rate, and Russian twists focus on your obliques, working together to reduce belly fat.

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Bicycle Crunches

Lunges with a twist target your core and lower body, while bicycle crunches enhance core strength and endurance.

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Kettlebell Swings & Side Planks

Kettlebell swings are excellent for overall fat burning, and side planks strengthen the obliques, combining to effectively reduce belly fat.

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Video Credit: Pexels

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Jumping Jacks & Leg Raises

Jumping jacks are great for cardio, and leg raises specifically target the lower abdominal muscles, helping to flatten your stomach.

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Video Credit: Pexels