6 Delicious & Healthy Snacks For The Rainy Season

-Deepa Sarkar

The monsoon season brings with it cravings for delicious snacks. But worry not! You can indulge in healthy and tasty treats during this time.

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Let’s explore these 6 healthy snacks for the rainy season.

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It is a superfood that is low in calories and high in fiber and protein. Roast them with a sprinkle of salt and pepper for a light and crunchy snack.


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Sprouts are a powerhouse of nutrients and are easy to digest. Enjoy them raw with a drop of lemon or lightly stir-fried with vegetables.


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Roasted chickpeas are a protein-packed snack that is also a good source of fiber. Experiment with different flavors by adding spices like chili powder, cumin, or turmeric.

Roasted Chickpeas

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Pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc and magnesium, which are important for overall health. Roast them with a sprinkle of salt for a healthy snack.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

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Dates and nuts are a natural source of energy and provide essential vitamins and minerals. Enjoy them together for a delicious and nutritious snack.

Dates & Nuts

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Poha is a light and easy-to-digest dish made with flattened rice. It can be enjoyed dry or cooked with vegetables for a more filling snack.


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