6 Drinks To Avoid During Monsoon

             Written by: Mantasha

During the monsoon season, certain drinks can be harmful to your health due to the increased risk of waterborne diseases and the body's need for warmth and immunity.

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Here are six drinks to avoid during the rainy season:

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These juices may contain contaminated water and are often prepared in unhygienic conditions, increasing the risk of infections.

Street Vendor Juices

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These beverages can cause throat irritation and may make you more susceptible to colds and coughs.

Cold Drinks & Sodas

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Avoid drinking untreated tap water during the monsoon, as it can carry harmful pathogens. Always opt for boiled or filtered water.

Tap Water

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This can harbor bacteria and other pathogens, especially during the monsoon, when contamination is more likely.

Unpasteurized Milk

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Consuming alcohol can lower your immune response and dehydrate your body, which is not ideal during the rainy season.


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Drinks with ice can be risky if the ice is made from contaminated water. It’s better to avoid them to reduce the risk of waterborne illnesses.

Iced Beverages

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