6 Early Signs Of Dementia In Adults


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Dementia is a progressive condition that affects cognitive function, memory, and behavior. Here are six common signs of dementia in adults:

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Memory Loss

Forgetfulness that disrupts daily life, such as forgetting recently learned information, important dates, or events. While occasional memory lapses are normal.

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Difficulty With Language

Struggling to find the right words, experiencing difficulty in expressing thoughts, or forgetting the names of familiar objects or people can be early signs of dementia.

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Impaired Judgment

Making poor decisions, showing a lack of judgment or reasoning skills, or displaying inappropriate behavior in social situations are common signs of cognitive decline associated with dementia.

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Losing track of time, place, or dates, or becoming disoriented in familiar surroundings can indicate dementia. Individuals may have difficulty understanding where they are or how they got there.

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Changes In Mood

Dementia can cause significant changes in mood, personality, or behavior. This may include increased irritability, agitation, anxiety, depression, or withdrawal from social activities.

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Difficulty In Doing Tasks

Struggling to perform familiar tasks, such as cooking, driving, or following instructions, may indicate cognitive impairment associated with dementia.

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