6 effective ways to relieve leg pain after running

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

Running can be exhilarating, but painful legs afterward can dampen the joy. Always warm up before you start running.

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By adopting some simple recovery tips, you can keep your legs feeling strong and pain-free.

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Gentle stretching after running helps release muscle tension, improves flexibility, and reduces soreness. Focus on hamstrings, calves, and quadriceps.

Stretch It Out

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Dehydration can intensify muscle pain. Drink plenty of water and include electrolyte-rich drinks to replenish lost minerals.

Hydrate Well

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Massaging tired muscles improves blood flow, aiding recovery. Use a foam roller or visit a professional for a deep tissue massage.

Massage Therapy

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Protein is essential for muscle repair. Include protein-rich foods like eggs, nuts, or lean meats in your post-run meals to aid recovery.

Add Protein to Your Diet

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Give your muscles time to repair and strengthen by taking rest days. Overtraining can worsen soreness and lead to injury.

Prioritize Rest

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Immerse your legs in a warm Epsom salt water tub to relax muscles and alleviate pain. It's a soothing remedy often recommended for relief.

Soak in a salt water

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Video Credit: Pexels

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