6 Expert Tips To Prevent Nutrient Deficiency In Your Child

monalisa deka

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Protein Intake

Sufficient protein intake is important for your child to build a strong body, gain height, and optimize brain functioning.

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Lots of Fibre

Give your child sufficient fibre in the form of vegetables, and whole wheat for a healthy gut.

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Essential Fatty Acids

Add omega-3 fatty acid rich fish, fish oil, avocados, almonds, and coconut oil to their diet for good brain and cognitive function.

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Add Calcium

Ensure your child gets enough calcium from dairy products, fortified non-dairy alternatives, or leafy green vegetables to support bone health.

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Sunshine Tour

Ensure your child spends 15-20 minutes under the sun, preferably in the morning hours, so that they get adequate vitamin D which is essential for bone development.

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Limit Processed Food

Try to minimize your child's consumption of sugary snacks, fast food, and heavily processed items as they have zero nutrients.

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