6 Foods To Control Diarrhea 


Diarrhea is a common concern during the monsoon season, often exacerbated by the temptation of hot, spicy street foods.

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Let's explore how specific foods can help alleviate diarrhea and promote digestive wellness.

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Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast are easy to digest and can help firm up stools.


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Contains probiotics that restore the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut, aiding digestion.


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Bland and gentle on the stomach, they provide carbohydrates and potassium.

Boiled Potatoes

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Water, electrolyte solutions (like oral rehydration solutions), and herbal teas help prevent dehydration during diarrhea.

Clear Fluids

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Greasy, spicy, and high-fiber foods should be avoided as they can worsen diarrhea.

Avoidance Of Certain Foods

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