6 Foods To Pair With Turmeric

             Written by: Mantasha

Pairing turmeric with certain foods can enhance its benefits. Here are six great options:

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Helps your body absorb turmeric better. Add a pinch to turmeric dishes like curries or soups.

Black Pepper

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Turmeric is absorbed better with fats like coconut oil & avocado oil. Cook turmeric with these oils or eat avocado with turmeric dishes

Healthy Fats

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Adds extra anti-inflammatory benefits. Mix fresh ginger with turmeric in tea or soups.


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Vitamin C in citrus fruits boosts turmeric’s effects. Squeeze lemon into turmeric tea or add orange slices to a salad.

Citrus Fruits

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Provide extra nutrients and work well with turmeric. Add turmeric to sautéed greens or smoothies.

Leafy Greens

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Complements turmeric’s health benefits. Add garlic to turmeric dishes like curries or roasted veggies.


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