6 Habits That May Raise Cervical Cancer Risk

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

Cervical cancer is a major health concern for young women. Certain daily habits can unknowingly increase vulnerability. 

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Discover these habits and take steps to protect your health.

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Regular Pap smears can detect precancerous changes early, allowing for timely intervention. Begin regular screenings in your 20s to reduce cervical cancer risk.

Lack Of Regular Screening

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Smoking and secondhand smoke exposure increase cervical cancer risk. Chemicals in tobacco damage cervical cells and interfere with the body’s ability to fight HPV infections.

Tobacco Use

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Engaging in sexual activities at a young age or with multiple partners elevates HPV risk, leading to cervical cancer. Practice safe sex and get vaccinated against HPV.

High-Risk Sexual Behavior

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A diet lacking fruits and vegetables, coupled with obesity, compromises the immune system. Maintain a healthy weight and consume a balanced diet rich in antioxidants.

Poor Diet & Obesity

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Long-term use of birth control pills (5+ years) slightly increases cervical cancer risk. Discuss risks and benefits with your healthcare provider.

Use Of Oral Contraceptives

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Inadequate personal hygiene, like not changing sanitary pads/tampons regularly, increases infection risk. Maintain good hygiene to promote health.

Poor Hygiene Practices

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