6 Natural Herbs That Helps Whiten Teeth 

simran suri 

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Whitening teeth naturally can be achieved with herbs like neem, turmeric, and basil, which have antibacterial and plaque-reducing properties.

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These herbs help remove stains and improve overall oral health. Let's have a look at them: 

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Known for its antibacterial properties, neem can help reduce plaque and whiten teeth when used as a chewing stick or added to toothpaste.

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Despite its bright color, turmeric has natural whitening properties and can reduce gum inflammation and plaque when used in a paste.

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Holy Basil 

Basil leaves can act as a natural whitening agent and help in preventing gum diseases when dried, powdered, and used as a tooth powder.

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Sage leaves can be rubbed directly on teeth to help remove surface stains and improve oral health due to their antibacterial properties.

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Peppermint leaves contain natural whitening agents and help freshen breath when used in homemade toothpaste or mouthwash.

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Bay Leaves

Bay leaves, when crushed into a powder and mixed with orange peel, can create a natural tooth-whitening scrub.

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