6 Quick & Healthy Janmashtami Fasting Recipes

- Monalisa Deka

Soak sabudana overnight, then sauté with peanuts, cumin, curry leaves, and green chilies, garnish with coriander leaves.

Sabudana Khichdi

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Roast makhana in ghee until crisp, season with rock salt and fasting spices like black pepper or cumin.

Makhana Snack

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Cook overnight soaked sabudana in milk, sugar, and cardamom until it thickens, garnish with nuts and saffron.

Sabudana Kheer

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Roast cut sweet potatoes, toss with rock salt, cumin powder, lemon juice, and garnish with coriander for a tasty chaat.

Sweet Potato Chaat

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Make kuttu or buckwheat flour pancakes by mixing grated bottle gourd, green chilies, and rock salt into the batter, cook in a non-stick pan with ghee.

Kuttu Pancakes

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Make a mixed fruit salad with bananas, apples, sand pomegranates. Add honey, and roasted nuts for protein and flavor.

Fruity Delight

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