6 Reasons Why Some People Lose Weight Slowly From Exercise?

             Written by: Mantasha

Several factors can contribute to why some people lose weight more slowly from exercise:


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Individual metabolic rates vary; some people burn calories more slowly due to genetic factors, age, or hormonal imbalances.

Metabolic Rate

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Muscle mass increases metabolism, so individuals with more muscle may burn more calories at rest. However, those with lower muscle mass may experience slower weight loss.

Body Composition

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Exercise alone may not lead to weight loss if dietary habits are not adjusted. Consuming more calories than burned can slow weight loss progress.

Diet & Nutrition

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Over time, the body adapts to exercise routines, reducing the number of calories burned. Increasing workout intensity or variety can help counteract this effect.


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Genetic predispositions can influence how the body responds to exercise and weight loss, including how efficiently fat is burned.


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Poor sleep and high stress levels can affect metabolism and weight loss. Both can lead to hormonal imbalances that impact how effectively the body loses weight.

Sleep & Stress

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