6 Risks Of Consuming Packaged Drinking Water

             Written by: Mantasha

While packaged drinking water is generally considered safe, it can have some potential side effects if consumed excessively or improperly. 

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Here are six side effects to be aware of:

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Some packaged water may contain harmful chemicals like bisphenol A (BPA) from plastic bottles, which can leach into the water and pose health risks.

Chemical Contamination

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Packaged water often lacks essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium that are present in natural spring water, which can impact overall mineral intake.

Lack Of Essential Minerals

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Repeated exposure to plastic bottles, especially when left in hot environments, can lead to the release of microplastics and other harmful substances into the water.

Plastic-Related Health Concerns

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Certain types of packaged water, especially those labeled as "mineral water," may contain higher levels of sodium, which can affect blood pressure and overall health.

Increased Sodium Intake

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Relying solely on packaged water without a balanced diet can lead to dehydration if the water lacks necessary electrolytes.

Risk Of Dehydration

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Excessive use of packaged water contributes to plastic waste and environmental pollution. This can indirectly affect health through environmental degradation.

Environmental Impact

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