Is Your Child Underweight?  Look For These 6 Signs 


Recognizing whether your child is underweight involves monitoring their growth and development over time. Here are six potential signs that could indicate your child is underweight:

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Your child's weight falls below the expected range for their age and height according to growth charts provided by healthcare professionals.

Low Body Weight

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Your child is consistently not gaining weight or is growing at a slower rate compared to other children of their age.

Poor Growth Rate

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If your child's ribs or spine are prominently visible even without sucking in their stomach, it could be a sign of underweight.

Visible Rib Cage

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Your child may appear tired or lethargic, lacking the energy levels expected for their age.

Lack Of Energy

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Underweight children may experience delays in physical or cognitive development milestones compared to their peers.

Delayed Development

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Underweight children may have weakened immune systems, leading to more frequent illnesses or infections.

Frequent Illness

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