6 Signs Your Diet Lacks Potassium

- Mantasha

Potassium is essential for maintaining proper heart rhythm. A deficiency may lead to irregular heartbeats or palpitations.

Irregular Heartbeat

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Potassium and magnesium work in tandem. A lack of potassium can contribute to low magnesium levels, affecting muscle and nerve function.

Low Magnesium Levels

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Potassium helps regulate blood pressure by balancing sodium levels. Inadequate potassium intake may contribute to hypertension.

High Blood Pressure

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Potassium plays a role in preventing the formation of kidney stones. A deficiency may increase the risk of developing these painful deposits.

Kidney Stones

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Potassium is vital for proper muscle function. Insufficient levels can lead to weakness, fatigue, and muscle cramps.

Weakness & Fatigue

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Potassium supports digestive health, and a lack can contribute to constipation and other gastrointestinal issues.


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