6 Surprising Health Benefits Of Cranberry Extract

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

Cranberry extract isn’t just a tart treat—it’s a powerful health booster, especially for your gut. 

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Here are six incredible benefits of incorporating cranberry extract into diet.

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Cranberry extract promotes the growth of good bacteria in the gut and supports overall digestion.

Supports Digestive Health

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Cranberry extract contains proanthocyanidins that prevent bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract walls, reducing the risk of infections.

Prevents Urinary Tract Infections

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Cranberry extract is a powerful source of antioxidants that help combat free radicals in the body, slowing down the aging process.

Rich In Antioxidants

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Cranberries are loaded with anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the gut, preventing digestive issues.

Reduces Inflammation

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Low in calories and high in fiber, cranberry extract helps control appetite and supports weight management.

Aids In Weight Management

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The antioxidants in cranberry extract help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and improve heart health. 

Promotes Heart Health

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