6 Unique Ways To Use Potatoes For Glowing Skin

simran suri

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Potatoes plays several roles in skin brightening and in enhancing the complexion. Let's have a look at them: 

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Potato Slice Massage

Rub potato slices on the skin to lighten dark spots and pigmentation due to its natural bleaching properties.

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Potato Juice Mask

Mix potato juice with honey or lemon juice to create a face mask that brightens dull skin and evens out complexion.

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Potato & Turmeric Paste

Blend potato pulp with turmeric powder and apply as a mask to reduce scars and brighten skin tone.

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Potato & Cucumber Eye Mask

Grate potato and cucumber, then apply the mixture around the eyes to reduce dark circles and puffiness.

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Potato & Yogurt Scrub

Mix grated potato with yogurt and use as a gentle scrub to exfoliate and brighten the skin.

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Potato & Tomato Toner

Combine potato juice with tomato juice and use as a toner to tighten pores and brighten skin.

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Photo Credit: Freepik