6 Vaccines Every Adult Should Consider Getting


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Influenza Vaccine

Seasonal flu shots lower your chance of getting the flu by half and spreading it to others.

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Pneumococcal Vaccine

Pneumococcal vaccine guards against Streptococcus pneumoniae infections, including pneumonia, meningitis, and bloodstream infections.

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HPV Vaccine

If the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is given to women before sexual maturity, it can provide up to 90% protection against cervical cancer.

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Consult a doctor for more information on vaccinations to ensure you make informed decisions about your health.

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Tdap, Td Vaccine

Tdap vaccine protects against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough), and the Td booster vaccine protects against tetanus and diphtheria in adults.

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Hep B Vaccine

The hepatitis B vaccine or Hep B vaccine protects against hepatitis, a viral liver infection that can lead to jaundice, causing yellowing of the eyes and skin.

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Covid-19 Vaccine

Unvaccinated individuals are at an 11 times higher risk of COVID-19 mortality than vaccinated people.

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