6 Ways To Consume Dry Fruits As Per Ayurveda


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Soaking Overnight

Ayurveda recommends soaking dry fruits like almonds and raisins overnight to enhance their digestibility and nutrient absorption.

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Blending In Smoothies

Blending dry fruits into your yogurt and milk can make them more palatable and easier to digest

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Ghee Roasting

Roasting dry fruits in ghee not only enhances their flavor but also aligns with Ayurvedic principles by promoting easy digestion.

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Nuts Balls or Bars

Create convenient energy balls or bars by combining soaked and ground dry fruits, nuts, and seeds.

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Photo Credit: Freepik

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Pairing with Sweeteners

Combine dry fruits with natural sweeteners like honey or jaggery for wholesome Ayurvedic desserts.

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In Oatmeals

Upgrade morning oatmeal with a mix of chopped dry fruits for natural sweetness and balance.

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Photo Credit: Freepik