6 Ways  To Protect Your Eyes From Air Pollution


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Wear Eyewear

Wear glasses or goggles to shield your eyes from dust, debris, and harmful particles present in the air.

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Limit Outdoor Exposure

Reduce outdoor activities during times of high pollution, especially in urban or industrial areas.

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Maintain Hygiene

Wash your face and eyes frequently to remove pollutants that may have settled on the skin and lashes.

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Use Cold Compress

A cold compress from a chilled, damp cloth eases eye discomfort caused by pollution, reducing irritation and puffiness.

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Keep Indoor Air Clean

Use air purifiers indoors to minimize exposure to indoor air pollutants, ensuring a safer environment for your eyes.

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Reduce Eye Makeup

Reduce the use of eye makeup during times of high pollution to minimize potential irritation and reactions due to airborne particles.

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Schedule regular eye check-ups and consult an eye specialist if you experience persistent irritation or discomfort.

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