6 Ways To Use Lemon In Diet To Beat The Heat 

Anoop Singh

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Lemons are refreshing and versatile, making them perfect for hot weather. Here are six ways to incorporate lemons into your diet to help beat the heat:

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Lemon Water

Start your day with a glass of lemon water. Simply squeeze half a lemon into a glass of cold water. This refreshing drink can help hydrate and cool you down.

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Lemon Ice Pops

Make homemade ice pops by mixing lemon juice, water, and a bit of honey. Pour the mixture into ice pop molds and freeze for a cooling treat.

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Lemon Salad Dressing

Create a light and zesty salad dressing by combining fresh lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper. 

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Lemon Zest 

Add lemon zest to add a burst of flavor and benefit from its rich vitamins and antioxidants. Use it in baking, salads, marinades, and beverages for a refreshing, healthy twist.

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Lemon Sorbet

Make a homemade lemon sorbet by mixing lemon juice, water, and a sweetener like honey or sugar. Freeze the mixture and enjoy a cool, tangy dessert.

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Lemon-Infused Water

Slice lemons and add them to a pitcher of water along with other fruits like strawberries or mint leaves. Let it infuse in the refrigerator for a few hours for a flavorful, hydrating drink.

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