6 yoga poses to promote hair growth

Written by: mantasha

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Here are 6 yoga asanas that can support hair growth by improving blood circulation, reducing stress, and promoting overall wellness:

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Downward-Facing Dog Pose

This pose increases blood flow to the scalp and stimulates hair follicles. It also helps relieve stress and improve overall body circulation.

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The headstand improves blood circulation to the scalp, which can boost hair growth. It also strengthens the core and helps with overall body balance.

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Shoulder Stand

This inversion pose promotes better blood flow to the scalp and helps in nourishing hair follicles. It also balances hormones and reduces stress, which can affect hair health.

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Forward Bend Pose

Uttanasana improves circulation to the head and scalp while calming the nervous system. This pose also helps reduce stress, which can be beneficial for hair growth.

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Cobra Pose

The cobra pose stimulates the scalp area by increasing blood flow and oxygen supply. It also helps in reducing stress and improving overall vitality.

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Video Credit: Pexels