7 DIY Toners To Boost Hair Growth

             Written by: Mantasha

Brew green tea and let it cool. Apply it to your scalp and hair to strengthen hair follicles and reduce hair loss.

Green Tea Rinse

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of water. Apply to your scalp to balance pH and stimulate hair growth.

Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Infuse rosemary and mint leaves in boiling water, then cool. Apply to your scalp to promote circulation and encourage hair growth.

Rosemary & Mint Toner

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Mix fresh aloe vera gel with water and apply to your scalp. Aloe vera soothes the scalp and supports healthy hair growth.

Aloe Vera Juice

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Blend cucumber and strain the juice. Apply to your scalp for its cooling effect and to hydrate and invigorate hair follicles.

Cucumber Juice

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Soak fenugreek seeds overnight, blend into a paste, and apply to your scalp. Fenugreek can stimulate hair growth and reduce dandruff.

Fenugreek Seed Rinse

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Add a few drops of peppermint oil to a carrier oil like coconut oil. Massage into your scalp to increase blood flow and stimulate hair growth.

Peppermint Oil Infusion

Photo Credit: Shutterstock