7 Easy Ways To Test Hair Health & Quality

             Written by: Mantasha

To check the health and quality of your hair, consider the following methods:

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Run your fingers through your hair. Healthy hair should feel smooth and not overly rough or dry.

Texture Test

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Gently stretch a strand of hair. Healthy hair should stretch slightly and return to its original shape without breaking.

Elasticity Test

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Well-moisturized hair should have a natural shine. Dull or lackluster hair might indicate dryness or damage.

Shine Test

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A healthy scalp should be free of excessive oiliness, dryness, or flakes. A balanced scalp supports strong hair growth.

Scalp Condition

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Examine the ends of your hair. Frequent breakage or split ends can indicate damage or lack of moisture.

Breakage & Split Ends

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Assess whether your hair appears thin or lacks volume, which can signal issues like nutritional deficiencies or damage.

Volume & Thickness

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Notice the amount of hair shedding during brushing or washing. Excessive hair loss might require professional evaluation.

Hair Fall

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