Pairing tea or coffee with the wrong foods can affect their flavor and impact your health.
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Discover which combinations to avoid for the best experience.
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Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons can curdle the milk in your tea or coffee, creating an unpleasant taste and texture.
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Cheese can interact poorly with the tannins in tea or coffee, affecting digestion and causing discomfort.
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Spicy dishes can overwhelm the delicate flavors of your tea or coffee and cause stomach irritation when combined.
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Rich pastries can create a heavy feeling in your stomach when paired with tea or coffee, and may lead to digestive issues.
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Red meat can affect the absorption of antioxidants in tea or coffee, reducing their health benefits.
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Combining ice cream with hot beverages can cause temperature shock to your stomach and disrupt the taste.
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Tea and coffee can hinder iron absorption, so it's best to avoid pairing them with iron-rich foods like spinach.
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