7 Low Glycemic Foods To Keep  Blood Sugar In Control

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

Keeping blood sugar levels in check is crucial for overall health, especially for those with diabetes. Incorporating foods with a low glycemic index (GI) can help manage blood sugar levels effectively. 

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Discover 7 foods with low GI that can help lower sugar levels.

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Barley has a low GI and is packed with fiber, which slows digestion and helps keep blood sugar levels stable.


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Lentils are low in GI and high in protein and fiber, making them a perfect choice for blood sugar management.


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Apples have a low GI and are rich in fiber and antioxidants, helping to regulate blood sugar levels.


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Chickpeas have a low GI and are a great source of protein and fiber, ideal for maintaining steady blood sugar levels.


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Sweet potatoes have a lower GI compared to regular potatoes and are packed with vitamins and fiber.

Sweet Potatoes

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Oats are low in GI and high in soluble fiber, which can help control blood sugar spikes.


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Quinoa is a low-GI grain that provides all essential amino acids, making it excellent for blood sugar control.


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Low GI foods release sugar slowly, preventing sudden blood sugar spikes. This helps people with high blood sugar maintain steady energy, improve blood sugar control, and manage diabetes.

How Low GI Foods Help Manage High Blood Sugar? 

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