7 Fruits That Help Reduce Body Fat

- Monalisa Deka

Here are 7 fruits that can be powerful allies in your journey to reduce body fat:

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Berries such as blueberries, strawberries are high in fiber, which helps you feel full and satisfied, reducing calorie intake.


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Grapefruit is a low-calorie fruit rich in fiber and vitamin C. Some studies suggest it may help promote feelings of fullness and boost metabolism.


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The fiber in apples helps you feel full, particularly pectin fiber may help reduce fat absorption.


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Watermelon is mostly water, making it very low in calories and filling. It also contains an amino acid called arginine, which may help the body burn fat.


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Pears are high in fiber and have a low glycemic index, meaning they don't cause blood sugar spikes that can lead to increased hunger.


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Avocados are a healthy fat source high in fiber and may help regulate appetite hormones, leading to reduced calorie intake.


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Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that may help break down protein and improve digestion.


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