7 Health Benefits Of Cinnamon Tea

Deepa Sarkar

Discover the soothing health benefits of cinnamon tea, known for its antioxidant properties and potential to support your health.

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Cinnamon tea's antimicrobial properties can promote oral health by combating bacteria that cause bad breath and plaque buildup.

Oral Health

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Cinnamon tea's antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties may contribute to clearer skin and reduced acne.

Skin Health

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Cinnamon tea may enhance cognitive function and memory due to its neuroprotective properties.

Cognitive Function

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Regular consumption of cinnamon tea may improve heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and supporting cardiovascular function.

Heart Health

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Drinking cinnamon tea may help alleviate respiratory issues like coughs and congestion due to its warming properties.

Respiratory Health

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Cinnamon tea contains minerals like manganese and calcium that support bone health and prevent osteoporosis.

Bone Health

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Cinnamon tea's aroma and compounds may promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve mood.

Mood Enhancement

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Add a cinnamon stick or 1 tsp ground cinnamon to a cup. Pour 250ml boiling water, steep 5-10 minutes. Remove cinnamon, add warm milk or honey for sweetness.

Cinnamon Tea Recipe

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