7 Health Benefits Of Using Eucalyptus Oil During Monsoon

-Deepa Sarkar

Monsoons bring life-giving rain, but also challenges like dampness, congestion, and even pesky insects. Here's where eucalyptus oil with a surprising range of benefits, comes in! 

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Let's explore 7 reasons to embrace eucalyptus oil during the monsoon season.

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Eucalyptus oil's strong aroma clears mold and mildew from humid monsoon air. Diffuse it or use eucalyptus leaves as a natural air freshener.

Air Purifier

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Eucalyptus oil eases coughs, colds, and sinus congestion common in the monsoon. Inhale steam with a few drops of the oil or use a eucalyptus chest rub.

Respiratory Relief

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Eucalyptus oil can relieve mild pain. Apply a diluted mix with a carrier oil, like coconut oil, to sore muscles or joints for temporary relief.

Pain Relief

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Eucalyptus oil acts as a natural insect repellent, keeping mosquitoes and other bugs at bay. Apply diluted oil to exposed skin.

Insect Repellent

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As humidity rises, skin issues like acne can worsen; eucalyptus oil soothes and treats minor infections when applied with a carrier oil to affected areas.

Skin Care

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Combat monsoon blues with eucalyptus oil's uplifting aroma, enhancing focus and concentration in baths or diffusers.

Mood Booster

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Eucalyptus oil's anti-inflammatory properties can relieve headaches from sinus congestion during rainy season. Apply a diluted solution to your temples to get relief.

Headache Relief

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