7 Millets To Include In Your Diet In Summer


Incorporating cooling millets into your diet during summer can help maintain body temperature and promote overall well-being. Here are some millets that are especially beneficial:

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Also millets are known to aid in preventing various summer-related illnesses, including heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

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Sorghum is a nutritious millet that helps regulate body temperature and is an excellent addition to your summer diet.


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Rich in fiber and known for its cooling properties, pearl millet is great for keeping the body hydrated and cool.


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Ragi is packed with calcium and helps in maintaining body temperature, making it an excellent choice for hot weather.


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Light and easy to digest, barnyard millet has a cooling effect on the body, perfect for summer meals.

Barnyard Millet

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This millet is rich in antioxidants and helps in reducing body heat, making it ideal for summer consumption.

Foxtail Millet

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Kodo millet is high in protein and has a cooling effect, helping to keep the body cool and hydrated during the summer months.

Kodo Millet

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Little millet is high in fiber and water content, aiding in digestion and keeping the body cool during hot weather.

Little Millet

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