7 Safety Tips While Using Treadmill 

simran suri 

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While using equipment in gym proper care should be taken to avoid injuries and falls. 

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Here are a few safety tips to follow while using treadmill: 

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Start Slow

Begin your workout at a low speed to warm up and gradually increase the pace.

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Use The Safety Key

Always attach the safety key to your clothing. It will stop the treadmill if you fall or drift too far back.

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Wear Proper Footwear

Use appropriate running or walking shoes to provide good support and reduce the risk of slipping.

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Maintain Proper Posture

 Keep your back straight, head up, and shoulders relaxed. Avoid leaning forward or looking down at your feet.

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Avoid Distractions

Refrain from using your phone or other distractions that might take your focus away from your workout.

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Know The Controls

Familiarise yourself with the treadmill's controls and emergency stop button before starting your workout.

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Don’t Overdo It

Listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard. Gradually increase intensity to prevent injuries.

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