7 Signs Of Vitamin K Deficiency

- Manatasha

Vitamin K plays a key role in blood clotting, so a deficiency can lead to easy bruising or prolonged bleeding from minor cuts or injuries.

Easy Bruising

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Severe vitamin K deficiency can cause excessive bleeding from the gums, nosebleeds, or heavy menstrual bleeding.

Excessive Bleeding

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Vitamin K deficiency may result in blood in the stool (hematochezia) or urine (hematuria) due to impaired clotting.

Blood In Stool Or Urine

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Poor wound healing or slow recovery from surgery may indicate vitamin K deficiency due to its role in the healing process.

Delayed Wound Healing

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Vitamin K deficiency can contribute to gum disease, as it affects blood clotting and tissue repair in the gums.

Gum Disease

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Low levels of vitamin K are associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weak and brittle bones.

 Risk Of Osteoporosis

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In severe cases of vitamin K deficiency, calcification  (calcium deposition) of soft tissues, such as arteries & cartilage may occur.

Calcification Of Soft Tissues

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