7 Simple Health Tips For Monsoon

-Deepa Sarkar

Stay healthy during the rainy season with these essential diet tips. Enhance your immunity and enjoy the monsoon while maintaining your well-being.

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Incorporate seasonal fruits like pears, plums, and pomegranates to enhance immunity and digestion.

Eat Seasonal Fruits

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Opt for warm, cooked foods to improve digestion and keep your body warm during the damp, chilly weather.

Choose Warm Foods

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Herbal teas with ingredients like ginger, tulsi, and mint help improve immunity and soothe the throat.

Drink Herbal Teas

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Street food can be contaminated during the monsoon. Stick to homemade meals to prevent infections.

Avoid Street Food

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Spices like turmeric, garlic, and cumin have antibacterial properties that help fight off infections.

Use Spices

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Probiotics like yogurt and fermented foods strengthen your gut health and enhance immunity.

Include Probiotics

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Ensure all fruits and vegetables are thoroughly washed to remove any potential contaminants.

Wash Fruits & Vegetables

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