7 simple ways to use melon seeds for better blood sugar control

             Written by: Mantasha

Melon seeds are packed with nutrients that can support better blood sugar control. Here are seven ways to incorporate them into your diet:

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Roast melon seeds and enjoy them as a crunchy snack. They make for a healthy, low-glycemic index snack that can help regulate blood sugar levels.

Roasted Melon Seeds

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Grind the seeds into a fine powder and mix it with smoothies, yogurt, or even water. The fiber content helps slow down sugar absorption.

Melon Seed Powder

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Soak melon seeds overnight, blend them with water, and strain to create a natural, dairy-free milk. It’s a great option for controlling blood sugar, as it is low in carbohydrates.

Melon Seed Milk

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Sprinkle roasted or raw melon seeds over your salads. They add a nutty flavor while providing magnesium, which helps in insulin regulation.

Add To Salads

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Blend melon seeds with fruits like berries (low-glycemic), greens, and unsweetened yogurt for a nutrient-dense smoothie that won’t spike blood sugar levels.

Melon Seed Smoothie

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Add melon seeds to your homemade bread, muffins, or granola bars. They add crunch and protein, making your baked items more blood sugar-friendly.

In Baked Goods

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Grind melon seeds with mint, coriander, green chili, and lime juice for a savory, blood sugar-friendly accompaniment to meals.

Melon Seed Chutney

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