7 Skincare Mistakes That Prevent Your Skin From Glowing

Written by: mantasha

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Achieving and maintaining a radiant complexion can sometimes be challenging, especially if you're unknowingly making common skincare mistakes.

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To help you achieve a healthier, more luminous complexion, here are seven skincare mistakes to avoid:

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Skipping Sunscreen

Not using sunscreen daily can lead to sun damage, premature aging, and uneven skin tone, hindering your skin's natural glow.

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Excessive exfoliation can strip your skin of natural oils, causing irritation and dryness, which can make your skin look dull.

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Changing Products Too Frequently

Frequently switching skincare products can irritate your skin and prevent it from adjusting, disrupting your skin’s balance and health.

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Using Retinoids In The Morning

Applying retinoids in the morning can make your skin more susceptible to sun damage, reducing their effectiveness and harming your skin.

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Applying Hyaluronic Acid On Dry Skin

Applying hyaluronic acid on dry skin instead of damp skin can prevent proper absorption, leaving your skin less hydrated and radiant.

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