7 Symptoms Of Large Joint Disease


Large joint disease refers to conditions that affect the major joints of the body, such as the hips, knees, shoulders, and elbows. These conditions can cause a range of symptoms, including:

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Pain is a common symptom of large joint disease. It may be dull, aching, or sharp and can occur during movement or at rest.

Joint Pain

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Stiffness in the affected joint, particularly after periods of inactivity or prolonged sitting or lying down, is another common symptom.


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Inflammation and swelling around the joint can occur due to fluid accumulation or inflammation of the joint lining.


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Large joint disease can lead to a decreased range of motion in the affected joint, making it difficult to move the joint through its full range of motion.

Decreased Range Of Motion

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Instability or a feeling of looseness in the joint can occur due to damage to the ligaments, tendons, or cartilage surrounding the joint.


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Weakness in the muscles surrounding the affected joint may occur due to pain, inflammation, or immobility, leading to difficulty with activities that require strength and stability.


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Severe joint pain, stiffness, or instability can make it difficult to walk, stand, or bear weight on the affected joint.

Difficulty Walking

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