7 Unhealthy Protein Sources You Should Avoid

             Written by: Monalisa Deka

Protein is essential for a balanced diet, but not all protein sources are healthy. Discover which ones to steer clear of for better health.

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Although meat contains protein, processed meats are high in sodium and unhealthy fats. This can increase your risk of heart disease and cancer.

Processed Meats

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Loaded with unhealthy fats, sugars, and preservatives, fast food burgers offer a protein source that may harm your long-term health.

Fast Food Burgers

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While tasty, fried chicken is often coated in unhealthy oils and fats, making it a poor choice for a health-conscious diet.

Fried Chicken

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Many protein bars are high in added sugars and artificial ingredients, compromising their health benefits with empty calories.

High-Sugar Protein Bars

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Excessive consumption of red meat, like steak and beef, can be linked to increased risks of various health issues including heart disease and cancer.

Red Meat

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Full-fat dairy products, such as certain cheeses and creams, are high in saturated fats which can affect cardiovascular health.

High-Fat Dairy

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Many flavored yogurts are loaded with sugars, reducing their health benefits and increasing calorie intake.

Sugary Yogurts

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