7 Unique Ways To Burn Calories

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

While exercising and following a healthy diet are top strategies for weight loss, there are many unconventional methods to consider. 

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Discover 7 unique ways to burn calories and manage your weight that go beyond the usual routines.

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Laughter isn’t just good for your mood—it's great for burning calories too! Research shows that laughing boosts your heart rate and oxygen consumption, similar to light exercise. So, enjoy your favorite comedy show and burn calories while you laugh!

Laughing Out Loud

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Feel those shivers? That’s your body working hard to generate heat. Shivering increases your metabolic rate, helping you burn more calories as your body keeps warm. Enjoy the chill—it’s good for your calorie count!

Embrace The Cold

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No cold weather? No problem! Drinking ice-cold water forces your body to expend energy to bring it to core temperature, burning extra calories. However, consume in moderation as excess may cause a cold or sore throat.

Drink Ice-Cold Water

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Can’t sit still? Good news—fidgeting burns calories! Simple movements like tapping your foot or shaking your legs can increase your metabolic rate and help burn up to 350 extra calories a day.


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Chewing gum increases your metabolism slightly, as your body works to digest the gum. It’s a small calorie burner, but every bit helps when combined with other activities.

Chewing Gum

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Adding chili peppers or hot sauces to your meals can boost your metabolism. Capsaicin, the compound that makes peppers hot, can increase calorie burn and help with weight management.

Spicy Foods

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Vacuuming, dusting, and even gardening can help you burn calories. Engaging in these activities for just 30 minutes can increase your daily calorie expenditure significantly.

Household Chores

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