7 Useful Tips To Protect Yourself From Air Pollution

- Mantasha

Keep yourself updated on air quality levels in your area. Use reliable sources or apps to monitor the air quality index (AQI) regularly.

Stay Informed

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Consider using air purifiers at home and in your workplace to filter out pollutants. This is especially beneficial for individuals with respiratory conditions.

Use Air Purifiers

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Wearing a mask can provide a physical barrier against inhaling harmful particles. N95 masks, in particular, are designed to filter out fine particles present in polluted air.

Wear A Mask

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Avoid peak traffic hours to minimize exposure to higher pollution levels. Opt for less congested routes or use public transportation during these times for a healthier commute.

Peak Traffic

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Certain indoor plants, like spider plants and snake plants, are known for their air-purifying abilities.

Use Indoor Plants

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Reduce outdoor activities, especially strenuous exercises. If possible, reschedule outdoor events or opt for indoor alternatives.

Limit Outdoor Activities

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Quit smoking, and avoid exposure to tobacco smoke to protect your lungs and the air quality in your living spaces.

Avoid Smoking

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