7 Vegetables To Avoid During Monsoon

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

Monsoon brings refreshing weather but also raises the risk of waterborne diseases and infections. To stay healthy, avoid vegetables prone to contamination and spoilage due to high moisture levels. 

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Here are seven vegetables to avoid during the monsoon season.

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Leafy greens like spinach, lettuce, and cabbage are prone to contamination from dirty water and can harbor harmful bacteria. Always cook before consumption.

Leafy Greens

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Cauliflower tends to attract worms and insects during the monsoon. It's challenging to clean thoroughly, increasing the risk of ingesting contaminants.


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Like cauliflower, broccoli can harbor insects and bacteria in its crevices. It's best to avoid it during the monsoon to prevent stomach infections.


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Mushrooms absorb moisture quickly and can spoil easily in humid conditions. Consuming spoiled mushrooms can lead to food poisoning.


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Brinjal is susceptible to fungal infections and pest attacks during the monsoon. It's safer to avoid it to prevent digestive issues.


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Okra can become slimy and harbor bacteria in the monsoon's humid environment. It's better to opt for vegetables that are easier to clean and cook.


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Beans like French beans and cluster beans can attract dirt and insects. They require thorough cleaning, and it's challenging to ensure they are entirely safe to eat.


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Always wash vegetables and cook them well before consumption during the monsoon. Proper cleaning and cooking help prevent infections and ensure your food is safe to eat.

Wash & Cook Vegetables Thoroughly

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