8 common mistakes that mess up your blood pressure readings

             Written by: Nancy Dixit

Small mistakes,can lead to inaccurate blood pressure readings. Let’s explore how to avoid them for accurate results.

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Don’t keep your arm unsupported. Rest your forearm on a flat surface to ensure steady blood flow for an accurate reading.

Unsupported Arm

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Avoid slouching! Sit with your back straight, feet flat on the ground, and your arm supported at heart level.

Slouching Posture

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Don’t use the wrong cuff size or place it over clothing. Use a cuff that fits your arm snugly and wraps directly over bare skin.

Incorrect Cuff Placement

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Never skip your medications before taking a reading. Follow your doctor’s advice to get reliable results.

Skipping Medications 

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Don’t rely on the first reading. Take 2-3 readings, a minute apart, and use the average for a more accurate measurement.

Relying On A Single Reading

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Avoid measuring on a full bladder. Always use the restroom and rest for 5 minutes before checking your blood pressure levels.

Measuring With A Full Bladder

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Don’t move or talk while measuring. Stay calm and still to ensure precise results.

Talking or Moving

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Avoid measuring immediately after coffee, tea, or salty meals. Wait for a while to avoid skewed readings.

After-Caffeine or High-Salt Meals

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Video Credit: Pexels

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