8 Lifestyle Habits That Can Help Lower Your Risk Of Cancer

             Written by: Mantasha

Reducing cancer risk involves adopting a healthier lifestyle that supports overall well-being and lowers the likelihood of developing cancer. 

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Here are 8 key lifestyle changes to consider for a healthier, cancer-resistant lifestyle.

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Aim to fill half your plate with a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Adopt A Balanced Diet

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Reduce consumption of processed foods, red meats, and charred or smoked meats, which have been linked to an increased cancer risk.

Limit Red Meat

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Achieve and maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular physical activity, as obesity is a known risk factor for several types of cancer.

Maintain A Healthy Weight

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Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week, along with strength-training exercises. Regular exercise helps improve overall health and reduces cancer risk.

Exercise Regularly

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Smoking is a major risk factor for many cancers, including lung cancer. Seek support to quit smoking if you currently use tobacco.

Quit Smoking

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Limit alcohol consumption to no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men, as excessive alcohol can increase cancer risk.

Limit Alcohol Intake

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Use broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 and reapply regularly, especially if you're outdoors for long periods, to help protect your skin and reduce cancer risk.

Use Sunscreen

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Opt for hats, sunglasses, and long-sleeved clothing to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

Wear Protective Clothing

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