8 Reasons To Start Eating Drumsticks

             Written by: Monalisa Deka

Drumsticks, also known as moringa pods, are a powerhouse of nutrition and offer a range of health benefits.

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Here are eight compelling reasons to start eating drumsticks and enjoy their numerous advantages:

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Drumsticks can help control your sugar level. You can have it in the form of curry or soups.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

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The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in drumsticks can help reduce cholesterol levels and support overall cardiovascular health.

Promotes Heart Health

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The leaves of drumstick is the primary ingredient in many Ayurvedic pain relief oils.

Relieves Joint Pains

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Drumsticks are a good source of dietary fiber, which promotes healthy digestion and helps prevent constipation.

Supports Digestion

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Drumstick helps enhance memory and your learning ability. You can add drumsticks or its leaf powder to your daily meals.

Boosts Memory 

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Moringa leaves have antibacterial properties and help clear acne. Make a paste of leaf powder with rose water and apply.

Helps Clear Acne

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Research suggests that regular use of drumstick may boost sperm count and improve the quality of sperm.

Improves Fertility

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Drumsticks are packed with vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants that are vital for the growing baby.

Aids In Healthy Pregnancy

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